Arvind Kejriwal's Third Time in Tihar Jail: What Happened?

Arvind Kejriwal, the leader of Delhi, is in jail again. This is his third time in Tihar Jail. Thkis time, it's about a problem with alcohol in Delhi.

Before this, Kejriwal was in jail two times. The first time was during a big movement against corruption in 2012. The second time was because of something he said about a politician in 2014.

Now, Kejriwal is in jail again. But this time, he's the Chief Minister of Delhi. So, they're being extra careful with him in jail. He's in a special cell, and they're taking care of his health because he's diabetic.

Kejriwal's day in jail starts early. He gets breakfast at 6:40 am. They're keeping an eye on his health all the time. He can also have some toffees in case his sugar levels drop.

In jail, Kejriwal has his own bed and some books to read. He's allowed to have a chair and a table too. Even though he's in jail, his political party says they will still listen to him as the Chief Minister.

Being in jail is tough, but Kejriwal is trying to stay strong. His time in jail shows that even leaders face problems. But he's not giving up, and his story is still unfolding.
